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Firearm ownership is a political hot topic around the country, but particularly in Illinois. Often, it requires consultation from our Criminal Defense attorney in Illinois if the need arises. With shootings on the rise, law enforcement has become very aggressive in pursuing gun charges. Frequently, that aggressiveness results in a violation of rights.

Our weapons criminal defense attorneys in Illinois have observed that many guns are recovered through some type of search or seizure. Many guns are recovered through some type of search or seizure. If the police do not follow certain guidelines pertaining to probable cause or the use of search warrants, the evidence must be thrown out and the case dismissed. The attorneys at The MacNeil Firm have the strategies and experience needed to produce the best results possible in your gun or firearm case. Our criminal defense attorney in Illinois has a high success rate in such cases. Check out our search and seizure (hyperlink) court room victories (hyperlink) to see examples of our successes.

General Information:

Generally a person may only possess a firearm while on their own property. However, recently Illinois has passed concealed carry laws that would make it legal under some circumstances for a person to carry a gun in public. It will still be illegal for most unlicensed persons to carry firearms on their person. Our weapons criminal defense attorney in Illinois has active defense strategies for a wide variety of such cases.

In Illinois, illegal possession of a firearm is frequently called unlawful use of weapon, or UUW. Other gun, firearm, or weapon charges that The MacNeil Firm has successfully defended include but are not limited to:

We serve our weapons criminal defense related clients in Illinois and Indiana states. Our weapons criminal defense attorneys are active in Kankakee, Lake, Grundy, Porter, Cook, and Will counties. Our main offices are located in Frankfort and Shorewood, IL.