DUI Lawyer Blue Island Illinois | DUI Public Awareness Campaigns

It is imperative that people understand the dangers of drinking and driving. There are many drivers who have had their licenses revoked because they were involved in fatal accidents while intoxicated. If you need legal assistance, our DUI lawyer Blue Island Illinois at The MacNeil Firm is dedicated to providing a superior legal defense. Call (708) 218-0947 or (708) 218-0947 today for a free consultation. 

It is important to know the consequences of driving while under the influence because it could save your life or someone else’s. The best way to prevent people from getting into a DUI accident is to make sure they don’t drive while intoxicated. Most states, including Illinois, engage in public awareness campaigns to inform and educate the public about the dangers of driving under the influence. 

Public Awareness Campaigns 

The goal of public awareness campaigns is to make individuals aware of the dangers of drunk driving. They may provide information on the legal consequences of drunk driving or social impacts. A recent “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving” campaign is a social norm-focused campaign that emphasizes the danger of consuming moderate amounts of alcohol before driving.

These types of public awareness campaigns can be utilized in conjunction with law enforcement efforts, such as driver’s checkpoints. Police agencies typically engage in these efforts around the holidays, like Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and the 4th of July. Media campaigns also promote the use of a designated driver. This type of campaign calls for a specific action, as opposed to simply raising awareness and emphasizing the value of a designated driver to a consumer’s self-interest. For example, they can show people having a good time and not worrying about how much they consume because they have a designated driver.  

Are Campaigns Successful in Preventing Drunk Driving

According to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) there is little evidence on the effectiveness of such campaigns because they are challenging to empirically evaluate due to the very broad target population. After reviewing the research on media campaigns to decrease alcohol impaired driving, researchers were unable to conclude whether the strategy decreased alcohol-related motor vehicle fatalities.

Multiple evaluations, including that of the Illinois program, found the estimated benefits of the campaigns surpassed the costs associated with developing and airing the messaging. Designated driver campaigns have been mixed. Some have found a significant increase in self-reported use of a designated driver, while others found no significant change in self-reported impaired driving or riding with an impaired driver. Some critics believe that promoting designated drivers may lead to excessive consumption by those not serving as a designated driver.

It is extremely important to make sure you do not get behind the wheel of a car if you have been drinking. It only takes one mistake to put yourself and others at risk. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal in Illinois, so remember: it’s never okay to drink and drive. If you do need legal support, contact our DUI lawyer Blue Island Illinois for more information. 

Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT)

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has run it’s own awareness campaigns in an effort to impact the decisions people make regarding drinking and driving. They have done safety projects to “save lives and prevent injuries.” In working with the public to keep the roads safe, there will be less of a need for law enforcement to criminally charge drivers. The Alcohol Awareness Program and initiative is to keep impaired drivers from getting behind the wheel. Fewer impaired drivers means fewer crashes, fewer injuries, and fewer deaths. 

People tend to be aware of the legal consequences of a DUI charge in Illinois. Fines, jail time, driver’s license suspension and more can be the result.  However, most people don’t realize the serious health risks and social consequences and awareness campaigns may try to emphasize those. 

Call our DUI lawyer Blue Island Illinois for a Consultation

However, if you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Illinois, you need a DUI lawyer Blue Island Illinois. It is important that you understand the consequences and seek legal representation. A DUI conviction can have serious consequences for your future. Aside from fines and jail time, you may also 

It is best not to drink and drive and to encourage others to have a designated driver. You want to protect yourself and others and you don’t want to risk jeopardizing your future. Contact us today for a consultation.