Drug Lawyer New Lenox Township Illinois | Drug use and the holidays

It’s that time again. The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun, but they can also be a time for substance abuse. Holiday parties, family gatherings and other social events can be triggers for drug and alcohol use. If you are facing charges our drug lawyer New Lenox Township Illinois can help you. Call (708) 218-0947 or (708) 218-0947 today and we will provide you with a free consultation. 

For many people struggling with addiction or substance abuse issues, the holidays can feel like an especially difficult time. It can be easy to fall back into bad habits. After all, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by everything happening around us. Drug and alcohol use during the holidays tends to increase, and thus arrests for related crimes also tend to go up.

Why drug use increases during the holidays

The holidays can be an especially difficult time for those coping with addiction and substance abuse issues. As you’re probably aware, the holiday season is often fraught with stress and anxiety as people struggle to get through all of the parties, family gatherings, shopping trips and other seasonal obligations.

According to the CDC, the most dangerous times of the year for drug-and-alcohol-related deaths are December, January, and March. In addition to this general sense of being overwhelmed during the winter months, there are several other factors that make the holiday season especially stressful:

People may be away from home or they may be with family they don’t like very much (or both). This can lead them to use more drugs or alcohol than usual in order to cope with their feelings. 

Others may be alone during the holidays and have difficulty handling the situation. They may be estranged from family, be without their kids due to custody agreements, or have few friends they can turn to. Being alone can cause people to use and abuse drugs and alcohol as a way of escaping their problems. 

The holiday season can be especially difficult for those coping with substance abuse issues or other problems related to drug use. If you are facing a drug charge, our drug lawyer New Lenox Township Illinois has the experience and passion to protect you. The legal team at The MacNeil Firm has helped numerous clients with drug charges and we will make sure you get the best outcome possible. 

Effects of drugs 

Addiction isn’t just about being drunk or high all the time. Some people use drugs or alcohol to cope with stress, and others use them to avoid dealing with problems they’re having in their lives. People with substance use disorders (SUDs) may also slowly increase their drug intake as they become tolerant of it, which means that they need more of the drug to feel its effects. 

Drugs have different effects depending on the drug itself, the person taking it, and their surroundings. Each drug causes different physical reactions, depending on the type of drug. Some will make you feel more awake, alert and energetic. Others will give you a calm, relaxed feeling. Some alter your perceptions and can cause hallucinations. Others may make you feel numb.

Long-term use and larger doses have negative effects that can seriously harm your health, even cause death, including disease risks from sharing needles, and permanent damage to the brain and other organs.

People who abuse drugs may face legal issues. In Illinois, possession, manufacturing, delivery, and intent to deliver are all illegal in Illinois. Typically during the holidays, arrests increase for drug related crimes. If you need legal assistance our drug lawyer New Lenox Illinois is here to help. 

Our drug lawyer New Lenox Township Illinois will provide a zealous defense for your drug case

If you are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, there are options available for you this holiday season, including resources and support groups. Now is the time to reach out. You may also find it helpful to reach out to someone close who can offer support during this time of year when stress is high and emotions run rampant. 

If you have been arrested and charged with a drug crime, our legal team is here to help you. At The MacNeil Firm, our drug lawyer New Lenox Township Illinois knows that protecting your rights and your future are important. We will do everything we can to make sure you have the best legal outcome possible. Contact us today.